Monday, April 19, 2010

Final is starting today...

today sharp at 0900H, we all the student that take the subject for the code LAN 1042 which is interpruneurship.....tha question about 40 question...then,many student answers that question about half and a hour only..because the lec give us the past year question..Then.the question same as the past year question..thanx to mr Hamran muhamad...our interproneurship subject,,,,tomorrow..operational research will be held at 3th floor Blok Bestari..wish me luck..To my beloved sister,gud luck for your test...ummi cakap cek ngah pekser jantung..bedah jantung tu leklok..terpotong urat kang..hahahaha..pastu ..kepada kawan2 di kampung..nantikanlah kepulangan adinda....hahahahah nanti kte g shoping sesamer lg yer.....

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